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каталог христианских песен

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Guitar tuner / Тюнер для гитары

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Хороший (и бесплатный) тюнер для андроида -
Tuner - gStrings Free

Неплохой тюнер для РС - хотя сторонние шумы иногда мешают + нужен нормальный ...
[2015-12-25 05:53:24]

полная версия новости >>

Alphabetical pointer of songs

# - все песни : A : B : C : D : E : F : G : H : I : J : K : L : M : N : O : P : Q : R : S : T : U : V : W : Y : Z : X :
А : Б : В : Г : Д : Е : Ж : З : И : І : Й : К : Л : М : Н : О : П : Р : С : Т : У : Ф : Х : Ц : Ч : Ш : Щ : Э : Є : Я : Ї : Ю :

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Index of utility

Admin rudik 2102
Admin Eugene 1516
Admin Andrews 658
Admin Fiery Voice 272
Admin Ivanecki 261
User VeD 920
User Пушкин 273
User vetlana 265
User alvinka 234
User Antonik 151

Statistics of site

# In all the songs in a catalogue 9737
# In all with chords 6686
# In all with comments 3783
# In all the users 8419

Christian songs with chords — is a rapidly growing database in which we plan to have the lyrics and music of different Christian groups and performers and worship songs. Our intuitive search engine will allow you to find any of the songs in our database rapidly.

Here you will find the music and lyrics of Christian praise songs in Russian, Ukrainian, Belarussian and English, and also the songs of your favorite Christian performers.

Once you register, you will enjoy the following: to add the lyrics and music of your favorite Christian performers to our music database, add the comments to the songs in the database, or search for songs, lyrics, or music in the database. (Any additions to the database should be made in Courier New font.)

All information, located on a site is free.

Attention! All materials entered into the database become the property of the site. The site is only for private use. If any materials are copied, both this site and the original source must be cited.