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Tuner - gStrings Free

Неплохой тюнер для РС - хотя сторонние шумы иногда мешают + нужен нормальный ...
[2015-12-25 05:53:24]

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Alphabetical pointer of songs

# - все песни : A : B : C : D : E : F : G : H : I : J : K : L : M : N : O : P : Q : R : S : T : U : V : W : Y : Z : X :
А : Б : В : Г : Д : Е : Ж : З : И : І : Й : К : Л : М : Н : О : П : Р : С : Т : У : Ф : Х : Ц : Ч : Ш : Щ : Э : Є : Я : Ї : Ю :

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Statistics of site

# In all the songs in a catalogue 9737
# In all with chords 6686
# In all with comments 3783
# In all the users 8419


Search on an artist — try to enter the correct names of groups and names of performers for more exact and successful search. For example, if you will enter "Hilsong", so you will hardly find something, it is more correctly to enter - "Hillsong". It is possible to enter, for example, simply "Casting", in place of "Casting Crowns", then you will get the list of texts of the artists in the name of which contains this combination of letters. Capital and little letters do not differentiate.

Search by the name of the song — enter the song name of which you would like to find the text. For example, a search on a keyword "Exalt" would generate a list of all the songs whose titles include the word "Exalt". As in any search, correct spelling is necessary for correct results. The search engine does not distinguish between upper and lower case letters.

Search by the text — enter known words which meet in a song which text you would like to find. It is possible to enter both: the whole line from a song and words separately. The list of texts of songs in which the entered words have been found is as a result deduced.

* The length of a required word should not be less 3 symbols.


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