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Yours forever

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  • Исполнитель: Darlene Zschech
  • Альбом: Revealing Jesus (Live)
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 7
  • Подобрано: alvinka
  • Песни альбома:


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My life is in Your hands, my times are in Your hands
Though nations shake and thunders roll
I will trust in You completely
I yearn for more of You, Your grace alive in me
My life is nailed to hands that bleed
In this love my soul is free

You took my place, You took the fall
You took the nails, that I may live forever, live forever
You rose again, You made a way
You broke the chains and now I'm Yours forever, I'm
Yours forever

I worship You forever more
In joy and suffering
Until the day I see Your face
My whole life to You my offering

You took my place, You took the fall
You took the nails that I may live forever, live forever
You rose again, You made a way
You broke the chains and now I’m Yours forever, I’m Yours

Oh Jesus, Jesus, death could not hold You, freedom abounds
Oh Jesus, my Jesus, I sing of Your mercy, the power of the cross
Oh Jesus, Jesus, death could not hold You, freedom abounds
Oh Jesus, my Jesus, I sing of Your mercy, the power of the cross

You took my place, You took the fall
You took the nails that I may live forever, live forever
You rose again, You made a way
You broke the chains and now I’m Yours forever, I’m Yours

You took my place, You took the fall
You took the nails that I may live forever, live forever
You rose again You made a way
You broke the chains and now I’m Yours forever, I’m Yours

I’m Yours forever
I’m Yours forever
Yours forever


Добавлено: 22 июл 2013 | alvinka