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You Are God
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- Artist:
- Album:
- Language: English
- Track Number: 2
- Тематика: Поклонение
- Songs of the album:
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F/A Bb C Dm Creator of all things, Healer of my being F/A Bb C Through your righteousness I’ve been redeemed F/A Bb C Dm Forgiven by your grace, Your joy is my strength F/A Bb C When everything has changed You stay the same Dm C/E F Gm F/A Bb You are God, Bright and Morning Star C A When I’m down You lift me up Dm C You’re the Lover of my heart Dm C/E F Gm F/A Bb You are God, Mender of my soul C A You’re the rain that makes me whole Dm You are God Ever present Help, Savior of my life Everything I have belongs to You My time is in Your hands My purpose is Your will I know that You’ll provide So I’ll be still Bb Bb/A Gm F You are the one, that delivers me Eb Not because of what I am A But who You are Em D/F# G Am G/B C You are God, Bright and Morning Star D B When I’m down you lift me up Em D You’re the Lover of my heart Em D/F# G Am G/B C You are God, Mender of my soul D H You’re the rain that makes me whole Em You are God (You’re my provider) Am When I’m down (You lift me higher) C When I’m weak (You’re the fire) H That turns me into gold Em You are God (Alpha Omega) Am Take my life (Lord, I surrender) D H You’re the Rain that makes me whole Em You are God ================================================= ================================================= C/E F G Am Creator of all things, Healer of my being C/E F G Through your righteousness I’ve been redeemed C/E F G Am Forgiven by your grace, Your joy is my strength C/E F G When everything has changed You stay the same Am G/H C Dm C/E F You are God, Bright and Morning Star G E When I’m down You lift me up Am G You’re the Lover of my heart Am G/H C Dm C/E F You are God, Mender of my soul G E You’re the rain that makes me whole Am You are God Ever present Help, Savior of my life Everything I have belongs to You My time is in Your hands My purpose is Your will I know that You’ll provide So I’ll be still F F/E Dm C You are the one, that delivers me B Not because of what I am E But who You are Hm A/C# D Em D/F# G You are God, Bright and Morning Star A F# When I’m down you lift me up Hm A You’re the Lover of my heart Hm A/C# D Em D/F# G You are God, Mender of my soul A F# You’re the rain that makes me whole Hm You are God (You’re my provider) Em When I’m down (You lift me higher) G When I’m weak (You’re the fire) F# That turns me into gold Hm You are God (Alpha Omega) Em Take my life (Lord, I surrender) A F# You’re the Rain that makes me whole Hm You are God
Added: 26 июл 2009 | Пушкин
Пушкин | 08 Декабрь 2009, 18:05:56 Откорректировал аккорды и добавил более удобную тональность для вокала.