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Lift Us Up to Fall

Перейти к списку песен, названия которых начинаются на букву L
  • Исполнитель: Tenth Avenue North
  • Альбом: Over and Underneath
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 2
  • Песни альбома:


<< - Показать версию c аккордами - >>

Intro: G   D   Em   C

Verse 1:
You move the earth,   You hold the stars
Come move in us, Come hold our hearts
You send the rain,   And life begins
So rain on us and rain within our lives again

Waiting here, waiting for you God
With our hopes and fears we come

Empty hands held high
Lord draw us near, heal these broken hearts
Lift us up to fall before everything You are
Before everything You are

Verse 2:
You lift the sun into the sky,   so lift us up, open our
To see Your face and what You’ve done,   You took the
nails to give us life 
We stand in awe before Your throne, there’s no where
else that we can go

Come, o come Emmanuel
Come here Lord, here today
When all Your children lift one voice

Here us sing now


Добавлено: 14 апр 2010 | Артём